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CGI Palz is a series of shorts within the Disney web series, Two More Eggs. It follows five strange characters - a human named Rotisserie, a tree named Rooty, a cloud named Arlington, a dog head mounted to a wall named The Lenore Street Bridge, and a teacup named Pekot - and their adventures showing off their computer-generated adventures in three dimensions. CGI Palz: A supposed TV show all about the wonders of being computer-generated. Trauncles: A parody of soft-spoken British children's programs set in the titular town of Trauncles. Hector & Kovitch: Two friends discuss some of their favorite things.

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In order to download this zzz you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6.54 USD. You will get access to the following files:

UnityCrashHandler32.exe 1.2 MB
UnityPlayer.dll 16 MB
BALDI.exe 623 kB


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sorry.. (:)